Watch "Feelings that lead to a better bottom line"
Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.
Podcast Bullet points
- Introduction: The podcast episode features a special guest, Adam Seymour, discussing the importance of feelings in business success.
- The Business Blind Spots Exposed Podcast: The podcast is about increasing self-awareness and understanding different perspectives to improve effectiveness.
- Adam Seymour's Background: Adam Seymour is the author of "Beyond Our Feelings" and a research assistant pursuing a Ph.D. He specializes in social science research, healthcare quality, data analysis, and study design.
- Key Concepts: Adam discusses the significance of feelings, thoughts, and emotions in personal growth. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing one's emotions for a better bottom line.
- Leadership and Integrity: The conversation delves into leadership qualities and the idea that supporting certain qualities in others can bring them forth in oneself. It also touches on the shift from technical skills to personality traits in leadership roles.