Episode 7. How Hiring the Better Employees Became Better with Data with Rich Camacho

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  • Episode 7. How Hiring the Better Employees Became Better with Data with Rich Camacho

Unlock the potential of data-driven hiring with CAARMO's GURU Performance Intelligence. Elevate your recruitment strategy by diagnosing inefficiencies and formulating actionable insights today.

About the Rich Camacho

I help CEOs, ambitious leaders, and emerging leaders, have MORE joyful success with more powerful, bankable outcomes.
My background includes twenty years plus years of leadership expertise in healthcare, corporations, and strategy, working directly with CEOs, C-Suite and the Board Room for impeccable execution and synergy.

Live show of the podcast

Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.

Podcast Bullet points

  1. Importance of Data Management in Hiring: The episode emphasizes that merely collecting data isn't enough. Businesses need a comprehensive strategy to manage and analyze data for productive outcomes, especially in the hiring process. Companies, on average, receive 250 resumes per open job but often struggle to efficiently sift through this influx.
  2. Revolutionizing Traditional Resumes and Job Posts: Blue Recruit aims to replace traditional resumes and job posts with more streamlined, skill-specific profiles that can be created in under five minutes. This change aids both employers and job seekers by focusing on specific skill sets rather than generic qualifications.
  3. Algorithmic Matching Based on Skill Sets: Blue Recruit leverages data to match employers with potential employees based on hard skills and other criteria. While the system recommends the most suitable candidates, it also shows additional ones, highlighting what they lack but could potentially offer.
  4. Transparency and Salary Disclosures: The discussion encourages transparency, especially regarding salary ranges, to improve the hiring process. Camacho argues that disclosing salaries upfront could reduce the volume of unqualified applicants and enhance diversity and inclusion in the hiring pool.
  5. The Cost of Bad Hires and Continuous Improvement: The episode touches on the financial and organizational toll of making bad hires, stating that a bad small business hire could cost the company nearly four times the individual’s salary in losses. Therefore, a continual process of improvement and adaptation in hiring strategies is emphasized.

The podcast brings attention to the blind spots in traditional hiring methods, and how data analytics and transparency can significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of the hiring process.