Episode 4. Lessons Learned from running a Pest Company Remotely with Bryce Pickett

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  • Episode 4. Lessons Learned from running a Pest Company Remotely with Bryce Pickett

Unlock valuable insights into running a pest control business remotely with our comprehensive discussion featuring Bryce Pickett, a seasoned expert in the field. Don't miss out—click here to discover how leveraging data and innovative management techniques can revolutionize your business operations today!

About the Speaker Bryce Pickett

Bryce Pickett has been in the pest control industry since 2004, working in almost every capacity and learning all the ins and outs of pest control. He started his own pest control business in 2014 in Vernal, UT. He started the business with the idea of never wanting to work more than 30 hrs a week. Keeping this goal in mind he always hired early and automated everything possible in his business. He moved to Raleigh, NC in 2019 and now operates his business remotely.

Bryce believes anyone can create a comfortable lifestyle business if given enough time.

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Highlight of the discussion 

  • Initial Intent Was Time Over Money: Bryce started his pest control business with the understanding that time was more valuable than money. His goal was not initially to run the business remotely but to have the freedom to manage it from anywhere.

  • Importance of Data and Actionable Insights: Bryce stresses the role of data in running a business efficiently. According to him, data by itself isn't valuable unless it can be transformed into actionable insights. He argues that data helps in understanding what is happening on the ground, thus empowering better management.

  • Challenges of Micromanagement in Traditional Models: Bryce spoke about the pitfalls of micromanagement, especially in large companies. He emphasized that too much control can lead to employees who simply follow orders rather than think critically and bring value to the table.

  • Mindset Shift from Employees to Partners: Bryce encourages treating team members as partners rather than mere employees. This approach, he says, promotes better engagement and accountability. With this mindset, he can manage his team remotely without loss of morale or productivity.

  • The Role of Books and Continuous Learning: Bryce mentions how reading, specifically mentioning "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss, played a significant role in shaping his approach to business. He advises those interested in running their business remotely to invest in their education and to consider it a mindset shift rather than just a logistical change.

Each of these points is substantiated by Bryce's long-term experience in the industry, where he has touched every part of the business since starting in 2004. These insights are particularly valuable for those considering or already running businesses remotely.

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