Episode 19. A strategic battle plan: Defeat the tyrant called urgent with Wendy Clark

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  • Episode 19. A strategic battle plan: Defeat the tyrant called urgent with Wendy Clark

Ready to reclaim your time and make room for what really matters? Click below to learn how to 'Defeat the Tyrant Called Urgent' and bring purpose back to your life.

Watch "A strategic battle plan: Defeat the tyrant called urgent

 on BBSE

Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.

Podcast Bullet points

  1. The podcast, "Business Blind Spots Exposed," features Wendy Clark, who started her company Carpe Diem Cleaning at age 20 with less than $100. Wendy emphasizes the importance of understanding one's blind spots and other perspectives for personal growth and business success.
  2. Wendy shares her life story, from losing her father at a young age to living in Sweden for a year. These experiences shaped her world view, pushing her to live without regrets and to follow her desires, which she differentiates from dreams.
  3. One of the central themes discussed is the concept of "urgent vs. important," derived from the Eisenhower Quadrant. Wendy argues that people often get consumed by the urgency of tasks, neglecting what is truly important for long-term goals.
  4. Wendy underscores the importance of goal-setting, breaking down long-term objectives into manageable steps. This helped her build infrastructure for her business and overcome the criticism that she "never gets anything done."
  5. The podcast touches on various other aspects like the need for core values, the role of data and metrics in transparency, and the concept that "truth is the most equal opportunity employer." It encapsulates Wendy's holistic approach to business and life.