Watch "Social and content marketing blind spots: by the numbers"
Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.
Podcast Bullet points
- Importance of Customization: The podcast emphasizes that 100% of businesses require customized marketing solutions. The strategies and tactics should be tailored to individual business goals and target audiences.
- In-House vs. Outsourced Marketing: According to the podcast, many businesses struggle with in-house capabilities. Statistically, businesses with specialized outsourced marketing teams can better adapt to new and changing strategies.
- Target Market Identification: Kim Bennett points out the need to focus on specific markets. For instance, if you are in the business of concrete resurfacing, you should target neighborhoods with aging infrastructure rather than new home buyers.
- Relevance of Keywords: The podcast suggests that appropriate keyword usage can make or break online visibility. For example, a pest control company specializing in termite removal should explicitly mention this to avoid irrelevant customer calls.
- Importance of Consistency and Engagement: The podcast notes that businesses with consistent social media posts and audience engagement tend to be viewed as more reliable. In a survey, 75% of consumers consider frequent updates as an indicator of business credibility.