Watch "Building employees that actually care through empathy"
Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.
Podcast Bullet points
- Empathy as a Core Business Value: Israel Alvarez discusses the importance of embedding empathy into organizational culture, emphasizing its applicability even in industries not usually associated with 'soft' skills, like pest control.
- Data-Driven Yet Human-Centric: The podcast touches on the balancing act between data and 'the human element.' Israel believes that while data is important for making informed business decisions, it is insufficient without considering the qualitative aspects related to employees.
- Alignment Across Business Functions: One of the key actionable strategies mentioned is the alignment of pay plans across different business functions. This is aimed at ensuring that everyone in the company, from sales to service to office staff, is working towards common objectives.
- Employee Validation and Endorsement: Israel highlights that for employees to perform optimally, they need validation for their efforts and alignment with company goals. This takes various forms, from internal recognition to external endorsements to clients, fostering a culture of empathy.
- Continuous Career Path and Employee Engagement: Israel and the host discuss the need for career paths that can keep employees engaged in the long term. They believe in creating systematic approaches to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement, all the while keeping open lines of communication.