Episode 34. Data-driven insights into customers with Ross Mawhinney

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  • Episode 34. Data-driven insights into customers with Ross Mawhinney

Unlock the secrets to data-driven customer insights and stay ahead in the business game. Listen to the latest episode of 'Business Blind Spots Exposed' now!

Watch "Data-driven insights into customers

 on BBSE

Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.

Podcast Bullet points

  1. Purpose and Overview: The "Business Blind Spots Exposed" podcast aims to reveal gaps in understanding and knowledge within businesses. The episode focuses on "Data-driven insights into customers" and features Ross Mawini from Lobster Marketing. The show also gives an overview of upcoming guests, touching on subjects like corporate culture and risk management.
  2. The Role of Data in Marketing: Ross talks about the importance of data in customer discovery, emphasizing that marketing is a blend of art and science. He mentions that Google acts as a "bouncer," deciding which businesses get visibility based on an assortment of factors including how well data is used.
  3. SEO and Customer Behavior: Ross states that the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is rapidly evolving. He indicates that businesses need to adapt and understand customer behavior, both online and offline. Companies that don’t adapt quickly could become obsolete.
  4. Integration and Real-Time Tracking: Ross reveals that their approach involves integrating real-time tracking dashboards for businesses. This provides complete transparency on customer interactions, from clicks to conversions to revenue, helping businesses make informed decisions.
  5. Future Trends and Importance of Consistency: Ross concludes that staying updated and consistently investing in digital practices is crucial for future success. He warns against becoming complacent or expecting instant results from online strategies, urging businesses to think of it as a long-term effort.