Episode 41. ‘The resilient organization: Why does it matter? with Jodi Woelkerling

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  • Episode 41. ‘The resilient organization: Why does it matter? with Jodi Woelkerling

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About the Speaker Jodi Woelkerling.

Jodi is the Founder & Principal of Jodi Woelkerling Enterprises, a Resilient Culture Consultancy, Coaching & Training. Her focus of her work is to assist businesses to build an enduring resilient culture at the whole culture level, the various levels of leadership within the business and at the individual level, so that the business as a whole and the individuals within the business can experience the enormous benefits of an enduring resilient culture.

Watch "The resilient organization: Why does it matter?

 on BBSE

Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.

Podcast Bullet points

  1. Business Blind Spots: The host, Vinaya Rahman, speaks about how he started the Business Blind Spots Exposed podcast to discuss the "blind spots" that even smart leaders have. By tapping into a network of contacts, he found that recognizing these blind spots strengthened him and his business.
    • Statistic: The host claims to have 4,800 contacts, suggesting a broad network for sourcing diverse opinions.
  2. Leadership & Culture: The guest, Jodi Woelkerling, discusses her recently published book aimed at senior executives. The book talks about key cultural issues in businesses, such as leaders lacking an accurate understanding of employee well-being.
    • Statistic: No specific statistic provided, but the problem of disconnect between executives and employee well-being is widely acknowledged in research.
  3. Quantum Physics Analogy: Both the host and guest use the concept of quantum physics to convey the idea that nothing is absolute; leaders must always be open to learning and growing.
    • Statistic: In quantum physics, the idea of uncertainty is well-accepted, challenging the notion of 'absolutes'.
  4. Employee Behavior: Woelkerling explains that employees might withhold ideas or avoid risks if they're protecting themselves due to a negative culture, which can lower productivity.
    • Statistic: While no direct statistic is offered, it's known that employee disengagement can cost companies up to 34% of an employee's annual salary (Gallup).
  5. Resilience in Organizations: Woelkerling highlights that building organizational resilience involves a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. By understanding where the organization stands, leaders can develop strategies for improvement.
    • Statistic: Use of both qualitative and quantitative methods is supported by academic literature as effective for organizational assessment.