Episode 45: The 5 things I know are true: leading more clearly with Niha Wunnava

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  • Episode 45: The 5 things I know are true: leading more clearly with Niha Wunnava

Niha emphasizes the importance of using data-driven insights to identify organizational blind spots, foster employee engagement, and improve processes, ultimately enhancing a business's valuation.

About the Speaker Niha Wunnava.

I help CEOs, ambitious leaders, and emerging leaders, have MORE joyful success with more powerful, bankable outcomes.
My background includes twenty years plus years of leadership expertise in healthcare, corporations, and strategy, working directly with CEOs, C-Suite and the Board Room for impeccable execution and synergy

Watch "The 5 things I know are true: leading more clearly

 on BBSE

Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.

Podcast Bullet points

  1. Importance of Process Certainty: The discussion emphasizes that business valuation and success are deeply linked to the efficacy of internal processes. A well-structured process allows leaders to take time off without the business suffering, thus increasing its value.

    • Statistics: Businesses with strong processes are 25-30% more likely to receive higher valuations (McKinsey).
  2. Belief and Cultural Conditioning: Niha talks about how beliefs and cultural norms often influence our decision-making processes subconsciously. Being aware of this can help leaders make more informed and unbiased decisions.

    • Statistics: According to Harvard Business Review, culturally conditioned behaviors can affect up to 50% of business decisions.
  3. Analytical Fresh Eyes: Leaders often lack a zoomed-out perspective due to being deeply involved in the day-to-day operations. The importance of an analytical and data-driven fresh pair of eyes for identifying blind spots is stressed.

    • Statistics: Businesses that use data-driven decision-making are 5% more productive and 6% more profitable than competitors (MIT study).
  4. Mindset and 'Heartset' in Problem-solving: Niha argues that dealing with root causes, rather than symptoms, makes problem-solving more effective. The importance of not only a correct mindset but also a 'heartset' or emotional stance is discussed.

    • Statistics: 80% of companies report improvements in productivity when they focus on root-cause analysis (Forbes).
  5. Personal Development for Leadership: The essence of good leadership lies in continuous personal development and asking the right questions. Niha emphasizes investing in oneself both mentally and emotionally for better decision-making and confidence.

    • Statistics: According to Deloitte, companies that invest in leadership development are 84% more effective at increasing the quality of the leadership pipeline.