Episode 39. Getting employees heart in the game with Hal Coleman

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  • Episode 39. Getting employees heart in the game with Hal Coleman

Are you striving to build a high-performing team that drives business success? Don't miss out on the leadership secrets that have catapulted small businesses to industry-leading positions. Click below to subscribe to our newsletter, where we delve into Hal Coleman's essential principles of management, time optimization, and employee engagement. Ignite your team's potential today!

About the Speaker Hal Coleman.

Hal Coleman graduated from The University of Georgia in 1974 with a degree in entomology and has been directly involved in the pest control industry for over 47 years, including 10 years as a State Pest Control Regulatory Inspector, 6 years in sales and service for Arrow Exterminators in Atlanta, and 18 years as owner/operator of his own pest control business.

He is also past president of The Georgia Pest Control Association and a founding member of GPCA’s Train-the-Trainer program.

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Podcast Bullet points

  1. Leadership and Employee Management: Hal Coleman discusses the importance of managing a small business like a professional sports team, emphasizing high morale and the role of the manager as a supportive leader on the field.
  2. Inclusive Decision-Making: Hal stresses the importance of one-on-one meetings with employees to discuss their career paths, feedback, and suggestions, as this not only fosters a sense of inclusion but often reveals insightful ideas that benefit the organization.
  3. Time Management: Data on employees' performance indicates that issues like low customer stops could often be a result of poor time management rather than lack of skills. Hal believes that understanding these metrics is key for managerial decisions.
  4. Employee Ownership: Hal argues that true engagement and productivity come when employees feel ownership over their work. This can be achieved not just through literal shares in the company but by ensuring employees see that there's room for growth and significant rewards for performance.
  5. Never-Ending Adaptation: Hal views employee management as a "juggling act," asserting that understanding each employee's unique traits and motivations is crucial for long-term success, thereby implying that effective management is an ongoing, adaptive process.