Delivering on a company vision: An approach with Edmund Mackey

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  • Delivering on a company vision: An approach with Edmund Mackey

Don't let business blind spots derail your company's growth. Get our exclusive guide on "Culture Intelligence: Navigating Business Blind Spots" and ensure your vision turns into reality.

About the Speaker Edmund Mackey.

Edmund Mackey is an accomplished Senior Executive and Digital Strategist with more than 15 years of success spanning telecommunications, home services, and health and fitness. Leveraging extensive experience in building commercial infrastructures from the ground up, he is a valuable asset for companies requiring expert assistance with branding, demand generation, sales process development, segmentation, or customer acquisition. His broad areas of expertise include digital and social media marketing, sales enablement, branding, demand generation, sales management, direct-to-consumer marketing, and B2B sales.

Delivering on a company vision: An approach

 on BBSE

Listen to business experts and the blinds spots they see.
Hear the blind spots and understand how, through data and analytics, you can eliminate those blind spots.

Podcast Bullet points

Identifying Business Blind Spots: The podcast focuses on uncovering the 'blind spots' in businesses, things that hold them back but often go unnoticed. These can range from employee engagement to the scalability of the company. Data and numbers serve as key tools for identifying these blind spots.

  • Relevant Statistic: A Gallup report showed that 85% of employees worldwide are not engaged or are actively disengaged in their job, signifying the need to focus on 'employee engagement' as a blind spot.
  1. The Importance of Culture Intelligence: The podcast introduces the concept of 'culture intelligence' as a mechanism to understand how a company's culture might be limiting its growth.
    • Relevant Statistic: According to a Harvard Business Review article, companies with strong cultures saw a 4x increase in revenue growth.
  2. Aligning Vision with Execution: Both the host and the guest emphasize that a company's vision needs to be bold, realistic, and aligned with its operational execution. The vision should not be an afterthought but should involve a level of self-doubt to challenge its boundaries.
    • Relevant Statistic: A 2019 Gartner Survey found that only 13% of employees strongly agree that their leaders' and the company's vision motivates them.
  3. People-centric Approach: The guest, Edmund Mackey, suggests that the business or division is only as good as its people and the leader overseeing them. People's skill sets and passions should be integrated into the business vision and strategy.
    • Relevant Statistic: Companies that invest in employee experience are 4x more profitable than those who don’t, according to a Jacob Morgan study.
  4. Balancing Data with Vision: The dialogue concludes by discussing the need to balance hard numbers with the 'softer' elements like vision and culture. Metrics should not solely drive action but should be used in conjunction with a strong, resonating vision.
    • Relevant Statistic: According to Forrester Research, insight-driven businesses are growing at an average of more than 30% each year, illustrating the need for a balanced approach between data and vision.